Which kits to use with Selectnaplus instrument?

Which kits can be used with the SelectNA™plus instrument?

  1. For in-vitro diagnostic use, please use the Micro-Dx™ kit including all reagents for sample pre-treatment, host DNA depletion, bacterial and fungal DNA isolation, broad-range PCR detection, and sequencing primers for Sanger sequencing. An extraction control is automatically included to validate the results.

  1. For research use only, the MolYsis-SelectNA™plus kit contains the reagents for sample pre-treatment, host DNA depletion, and bacterial and fungal DNA isolation. Afterward, the eluted DNA can be used for diverse analyses for example broad-range PCR and Sanger sequencing, specific PCR assays, hybridization assays, multiplex PCR, panel systems, custom PCR assay, NGS metagenomic/shotgun sequencing, whole genome sequencing, amplicon/target sequencing.