What are the sample collection and storage requirements?

What are the sample requirements? How shall samples be stored after sample collection? How fresh or old can samples be?

Please note:
For any MolYsis™-based kits the microbial cells need to be intact!

After taking the samples, please cool the samples in the fridge at ~8°C for short-term storage.
Optimally, fresh samples are used for the highest detection sensitivity.
The recommendation is to process samples within 48 hours after collection.

If longer storage is necessary

please protect the microbes with sterile glycerol (approximately 20% of the sample) before freezing at preferably -80°C.
Please refer to UMD-Tubes, if you like to have already prepared sample tubes.
Make sure that the sample and glycerol are properly mixed in both cases.
Don’t freeze samples unprotected, as microorganisms can get lysed by the freeze-thaw cycle!

Storage Solutions

Storage solutions protecting the DNA/RNA need to be evaluated carefully because some of them already initialize cell lysis.
For example, DNA/RNA Shield (Zymo Research, USA) cannot be used for samples that shall be used in any MolYsis™-based kits.