What are the benefits of SepsiTest™ BLAST?

SepsiTest BLAST
SepsiTest™ BLAST is a quality-controlled
database with:
- 7,042 full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences, exclusively from
cultivated reference strains of the described species of the domains Bacteria
and Archaea
- 342 selected 18S rRNA gene sequences (Eukarya) of the
cultivated members of the genera Candida, Aspergillus, and Cryptococcus within
the Fungi
In addition, SepsiTest™ BLAST will
tell you if the quality of the sequence is not sufficient (<200 bases and/or
>5% ambiguities).
For sequences in the ABI format, also the ends will be
checked and trimmed if required (removal of N's and bases with low-quality
In case the sequence quality is good, but there is no result given by
SepsiTest™ BLAST, please use an alternative database since not all species or genera
are included in SepsiTest™ BLAST.
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