Benefits of SepsiTest BLAST

What are the benefits of SepsiTest™ BLAST?

SepsiTest BLAST
SepsiTest™ BLAST is a quality-controlled database with:
  1. 7,042 full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences, exclusively from cultivated reference strains of the described species of the domains Bacteria and Archaea
  2. 342 selected 18S rRNA gene sequences (Eukarya) of the cultivated members of the genera Candida, Aspergillus, and Cryptococcus within the Fungi

In addition, SepsiTest™ BLAST will tell you if the quality of the sequence is not sufficient (<200 bases and/or >5% ambiguities).
For sequences in the ABI format, also the ends will be checked and trimmed if required (removal of N's and bases with low-quality values).

In case the sequence quality is good, but there is no result given by SepsiTest™ BLAST, please use an alternative database since not all species or genera are included in SepsiTest™ BLAST.