The assays Mastermix 16S Complete and Mastermix 18S Complete include already primers allowing for the ultra-sensitive detection of bacterial DNA (V3/V4 variable region of the 16S rRNA gene) and fungal DNA (V8/V9 variable region of the 18S rRNA gene) ...
Products: Mastermix 16S Complete, Mastermix 18S Complete, PCR assays incl. in SepsiTest™-UMD, Micro-Dx™ and UMD-SelectNA™ No. Due to the broad-range primers (16S/18S) used, potential primer dimer formation and unspecific annealling can occur, so we ...
MolTaq 16S/18S & real-time PCR Yes. All DNA-free PCR products of Molzym are fully compatible and optimized for Real-Time PCR, using fluorescent dye or probe detection systems.
PCR Setup / PCR reactions per sample Every sample is applied to 3 (three) master mixes: MA Bac for 16S, MA Yeasts for 18S, and MA Control for the extraction control. All master mixes need at least one negative control and MA Bac and MA Yeasts have ...
Amplification of Borreliella (Borrelia) with Molzym PCR primers (incl. in MA Bac and Mastermix 16S Complete) should work successfully to produce a 16S amplicon (i.e. positive/negative PCR). However, due to mismatches with our sequencing primers ...