Can I use Molzym's PCR assays for quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis?
Products: Mastermix 16S Complete, Mastermix 18S Complete, PCR assays incl. in SepsiTest™-UMD, Micro-Dx™ and UMD-SelectNA™
No. Due to the broad-range primers (16S/18S) used, potential primer dimer formation and unspecific annealling can occur, so we do not recommend that above mentioned products are used for quantitative PCR (qPCR).
As illustrated in the image below, melt curve analysis shows primer dimer formation as a peak at around 78°C (instrument dependent) in the negative sample.
Products: Mastermix 16S/8S Basic, Mastermix 16S/18S Dye
Yes. Depending on the primers and potentially probes used, a quantitative PCR analysis is possible.
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Control PCR Manuals
The latest versions of the following manuals are available for download below: Control PCR Manual (English) Control PCR Short Manual (English)